40 Days for Life 2016
Video by former abortionist has gone viral making many rethink their position on abortion
Kirsty's Story
Dutch ethics professor changes his mind on legalised euthanasia
A "bunch of cells" or a growing baby?
Hundreds of Chilean psychologists affirm: post-abortion trauma is real, damaging
Down syndrome screening could eliminate a group of people, says mum
Families, Saving Downs, The Unborn, Women's HealthDown Syndrome, down syndrome and abortion, Down Syndrome diagnosis, Down syndrome DNA test, Down Syndrome screening, Down test, Downpride, early pregnancy screening test, Non Invasive Prenatal Test, pre-natal screening and abortion, prenatal screening programme, screening practices
Mum posts stunning photos of her babies, miscarried at 7 and 8 weeks, on Facebook
The vulnerability of suffering and sacredness of life
‘I saw little arms, little legs, and a head!’: Mom leaves abortion clinic after seeing ultrasound
6 Celebrities who are Prolife on Abortion
Coercion a factor in choice to abort
Letter to the NZ Herald, Dec 2015
Euthanasia bill is open to wide interpretation
Is abortion just a "women's issue"?
Why parents should be told when their 15 year old has an abortion
The myth of backyard abortions
Health Select Committee Inquiry on Suicide
Voice for Life Conference 2015!
A tale of two mothers