The public campaigns run by Voice for Life are making a difference to the cultural conversation in New Zealand about some of the biggest ethical issues of our era.
The fact that pro-life issues can spark such an intense reaction in the public square is proof that these conversations are far from over. Our campaigns are reaching a wide variety of Kiwis, including the decision-makers in our Parliament.
Current Campaigns
Protecting vulnerable Kiwis from the End of Life Choice Act
#DefendNZ puts the voices of New Zealanders who would be put at risk of premature killing by the End of Life Choice Act front and centre. Listen to their powerful stories as they are told in moving videos, articles, books and more!
Annual Campaigns
Unborn Remembrance Day
The annual Unborn Remembrance Day is an initiative that we started in 2020 to ensure that there is an annual public commemoration of the thousands of lives lost to abortion each year in our country. Participants gather at special events all over the country to peacefully memorialize the unborn and to join in a minute of silence to mark their passing.
National March for Life
The National March for Life is a pro-life event held in central Wellington. Families, church groups and individuals from all over the country gather together to celebrate the gift of human life by marching their way to the steps of Parliament where MPs, pro-life leaders and others address those in attendance.
Completed Campaigns
Vote for the Vulnerable
In March 2020 the NZ Parliament passed the Abortion Legislation Act. This legalised abortion-on-demand right up to birth by striking down our previous law which only allowed late term abortion when two doctors agreed it was necessary to save the life of a mother or to prevent serious permanent harm to her mental or physical health. Vote for the Vulnerable allowed Kiwis to find out how MPs and parties voted, and to send them a message letting them know how their vote in March was going to be informing the way Kiwis voted in the 2020 election.
We Deserve Better
A new conversation about abortion from and by NZ women. The We Deserve Better campaign presented the concerns of Kiwi women who want more than tired old slogans about abortion, and who are seeking a caring and compassionate answer to the challenges of an unplanned or difficult pregnancy.
500,000 Missing Babies
2016 marked the tragic milestone of 500,000 unborn children killed by abortion in New Zealand since the first abortion clinic opened in 1974. VFL ran a nationwide advertising campaign; 500,000 Missing Babies.
Social Justice Tour
In May 2018, VFL hosted International speaker Bryan Kemper from the U.S and Hillary Kieft from Hillary’s Law on a Social Justice Tour over 7 different Regions.
Booties Project
On Wednesday the 25th of July, 2018 12,285 pairs of booties were displayed on Parliament lawn as a public memorial of 12,285 preborn children aborted the year before in 2017. Thousands of people, all over New Zealand, knitted these baby booties in remembrance of the lives lost to abortion. The display was truly impressive in scale and colour, as well as emotionally moving to comprehend that each one of those little pairs represents a lost human life. The day after the display, each MP received a pair of booties in the mail, with a small card attached. PM Jacinda Ardern’s pair was specially chosen. The pro-life community knitted 15,638 pairs of Booties in total. After the display at Parliament every pair of booties were donated to maternity hospitals so they could be given to mothers of newborn babies.