Dear Voice For Life members and supporters,
Have you considered leaving a Legacy in your Will for the work of Voice For Life?
Legacies make a big difference, as Annetta and I can testify from personal experience.
But first, our story:
We went along as curious 25-year-olds to the inaugural meeting of SPUC (Society for the Protection of the Unborn Child), held in Auckland’s Town Hall in 1970.
The place was packed to the rafters.
Dr Pat Dunn spoke, followed by Professor Sir William Liley. He presented a large tape recorder and announced that he was going to play us the sound of a 12-week baby’s heartbeat in the womb.
The lights were switched off and in the darkness of the Town Hall, the swishing, steady beat of this baby’s heart was mesmerising. We were converted on the spot.
Dr Pat Dunn and Professor William Liley embarked on a road trip around the country, along with their tape recorder, and soon SPUC had 46,000 members.
Annetta served many years on the National Executive, including time as National President. I joined the National Executive in 1986 and served two terms as National President (2011-2017).
Throughout those years we had front-row seats in the administration of the pro-life movement and the campaigns created to educate Kiwis about abortion and protect the lives of preborn babies.
Funding was always a constant concern and there were times when we wondered how SPUC and later Voice For Life could continue. But just like in the Western movies, John Wayne and the Seventh Cavalry would arrive to save the wagon train – in the form of a timely Legacy.
The news of a Legacy was always a shot in the arm and the need is even greater now.
The older generation of pro-lifers is passing on the standard to the new leaders and the young emerging battlers. They have plenty of challenges ahead, but also new ideas and the savvy to carry on the work.
Please consider the big difference your Legacy will make to help us protect the babies and support needy mothers, through funding our noble cause.
Bernard and Annetta Moran
How do I leave a legacy in my Will?
All bequests make a significant difference to the long-term work of Voice For Life. Your gift will carry on caring for future generations well beyond your lifetime.
There are many ways you can tailor a bequest to suit your personal circumstances. It is important to discuss options and specific wording with your legal advisor to make sure your Will reflects your wishes clearly. Your wishes may even include non-cash items such as collections or property – you can read more below on various options.
If you would like to discuss this further with a member of our team please contact us using the contact form below. Please also let us know if you have already left a gift in your Will to Voice For Life. We’d love to connect with you.
Yes, I'd like to get in touch about leaving a legacy to Voice For Life
The following are the most usual types of bequests
Percentage Bequest
If you wished to divide your estate among a number of people and/or organisations such as Voice For Life, leaving a percentage may suit you. The benefit of this is that you don’t have to keep revising your Will to compensate for changes in inflation.
Residual Bequest
If you wanted to give Voice For Life what is left (the residue) after family or friends are provided for, a residual bequest might suit you best. As your estate increases in value, so does your bequest gift.
Specific Amount Bequest
This is a commonly used form of bequest. However, because it does not allow for inflation, you may want to review the amount regularly.
Personal Property Bequest
If you wish, you can also gift articles of valuable personal property to Voice For Life in your Will. Items could include house-lots, houses, land or commercial buildings, shares, vehicles, antiques, jewellery, gold or diamonds, collectables and art or other assets.
Our promise to you
Voice For Life promises to carefully use all gifts received to continue providing the work we’re recognised for.
We will respect your privacy and will manage your gift sensitively and effectively.
We understand that individual circumstances may change.
As such, we respect your right to remove Voice For Life from your Will at a later date, regardless of whether you have previously told us about your gift.