Labour: the most pro-abortion, child-friendly Government in the world???
Earlier this week we caught wind of a brand new electioneering campaign from New Zealand’s Labour Government.
Before we get to the specifics of that though, it’s important to point out that this Labour government has been the most pro abortion Government in our nation’s history.
Not only did they pass the extreme Abortion Legislation Act - which permits abortion up to, and even during birth, if you can find a willing abortionist - they are currently passing a bill that will make pro-life free speech within 150m of abortion clinics a criminal offence.
With that in mind, now consider their brand new self-promotional campaign, which boldly declares:
“We’re getting on with the job of making New Zealand the best place in the world to be a child”
It then goes on to list the following accomplishments which they see as part of this:
Increased paid parental leave to 26 weeks
Introduced free lunches in schools
Helped parents of newborn babies with an extra $60 a week
Extended free doctors’ visits to every child under 14
Building and upgrading thousands of classrooms and schools
Labour’s new self-promotional campaign image
There’s obviously a lot of very good and positive things on that list, which is what makes the intellectual gymnastics involved in all of this so jarring.
When the most pro abortion Government in our history declares that they are making this “the best place in the world to be a child”, they aren’t actually including every child.
They are referring only to the ‘wanted’, already-born children.
Unwanted unborn children aren’t part of this child-friendly utopia, instead their destiny lies in the hands of Labour’s extreme Abortion Legislation Act.
For these children, there are no free school lunches, free doctors visits or new classrooms - for these children there is only the brutal life-ending violence of abortion.
To be an authentically humane society, and one that truly is the best place in the world to be a child, there needs to be a consistent ethic of life and care for ALL children.
One that begins after birth, and which is only intended for wanted children is not consistent. In fact, it is a serious and irreconcilable moral contradiction which gravely undermines any of the good a government offers to wanted children after they are born.
There is also a diabolical irony in Labour’s final boast about upgrading and providing thousands of new classrooms.
You see, every day in this country, Government sanctioned, facilitated and funded abortion ends the lives of approximately one classroom full of unborn New Zealand children.
One classroom. Every. Single. Day.
If we truly wish to be the best place in the world to be a child, then we cannot continue to tolerate a status quo which says that some children are more worthy of life and protection than others.
We cannot continue to stand by in silence as thousands of unborn children are killed every single year, while a Government which increased the scope of that grave injustice tries to claim a mantle of being the most committed to child welfare in the world.
A truly pro child nation is one governed by leaders working to make abortion unthinkable and unnecessary. Without this, any of their other policies, no matter how good, are marred by the injustice and violence of abortion, and the blind eye that is turned to it.