One year on from the Abortion Legislation Act and the mask has slipped


Yesterday marked the first anniversary of the passing of Labour’s Abortion Legislation Act (ALA).

One year on from that event and the mask has well and truly slipped, and it is now abundantly clear just how extreme the Government’s abortion agenda really is.

We have had direct reports that NZ midwives are now being trained to carry out second and third trimester abortions.

Let that sink in - the very carers whose vocation is to assist babies into the world are now being trained to kill unborn children using late term abortion methods.

We have also discovered that, in at least one DHB, all nurses have been offered training in carrying out second trimester abortions.

Then about a week ago Government MP Louisa Wall introduced her ‘Safe Areas’ Bill to Parliament, which is attempting to make the already extreme ALA even more extreme.

If this Bill is passed into law (which is looking likely) it will strip New Zealanders of the right to peaceful assembly and peaceful freedom of expression within 150 metres of any abortion facility in this country.

It won’t matter whether you are in a public space or on a private residential property - if you “communicate” an opinion about abortion anywhere inside that 150 metres you will be risking a criminal conviction.

Some of the ideas expressed by MPs in their speeches during the first reading of this Bill were truly frightening, indicating that an extremity concerning totalitarian streak has taken hold within our Parliament.

Then earlier this week the Associate Minister of Health gave a media interview which revealed just how obsessed with abortion expansion our Government really is.

Among other things, she said that the Government needed to do better at ensuring abortions for “young Maori women.”

The article elaborated on this point:

“Accessible abortion services for Maori, Pacific and disabled people is a key focus and applications will be evaluated on their ability to partner with Maori/iwi, youth, community and school-based workers and groups.”

Many people expressed to us how shocked they were to hear a Government Minister talking so openly about a Labour Government agenda to target ethnic communities with more abortions.

We agree with them - this is shocking.

Not just that, but, as the above quote indicates, they also have an agenda for an expanded abortion advocacy specifically targeting schools and NZ young people.

The troubling statements didn’t end there though.

She also celebrated the fact that “[the passing of the Abortion Legislation Act] meant pathways to the [abortion] clinic were far more normal.”

“…if you have an unwanted pregnancy and there will be a relationship with the service provider who will help you find your way to the door [of the abortion clinic]”

As if all of that wasn’t concerning enough, ALRANZ has now started issuing press releases demanding that the Government cease funding of crisis pregnancy centres that don’t offer abortions.

Fighting to end funding to the tiny number of centres that offer women alternatives to abortion makes an absolute mockery of any claims ALRANZ might make about have a pro ‘choice’ agenda for Kiwi women.

What all of this makes abundantly clear is that those MPs who last year claimed that the ALA was only about removing abortion from the NZ Crimes Act were either lying or woefully ignorant about what they were actually supporting.

One year later and the actual agenda could not be any clearer; this was always about protecting, expanding, and entrenching an extreme abortion ideology into almost every aspect of New Zealand society.

Kate Cormack