PLEASE NOTE: Unfortunately due to the recent Covid-19 restrictions it’s no longer logistically possible for our Conference to go ahead on the 3rd and 4th of September.
So, with heavy hearts we have decided to postpone the conference, and will decide on another date once things have settled down.
Thankfully, our conference theme, 'New Beginnings, Unstoppable Love: NZ’s Pro-Life Future', will be just as applicable after the lockdown, so we look forward to coming together in due course.
New Beginnings, Unstoppable Love: NZ’s Pro-Life Future
The pro-life community has recently experienced an unprecedented season of political upheaval, which has left many pro-lifers wondering about the future of our movement. However, although we cannot change the past, we can make a difference for the future.
The unjust laws that our government have passed are not the end of the road for the pro-life community, because their laws do not alter our concern for the preborn, the elderly, and the vulnerable. We will continue to be a voice for the voiceless, until abortion and euthanasia become unthinkable within our nation.
We invite you to join us, as we consider the next season for the pro-life movement, ‘New Beginnings, Unstoppable Love: NZ’s Pro-Life Future’.
DAY ONE: Friday evening doors open at 7pm, and the last session ends at 9pm.
DAY TWO: Saturday morning doors open at 9am, and the last session ends at 5pm.
Speakers include
Sir Bill English, Professor Rod MacLeod (Palliative Care), Simon O’Connor (MP), Dr Amanda Landers (Palliative Care), Brendan Malone (LifeNet), Kate Cormack (Voice for Life), Henoch Kloosterboer (Anti-EOLCA Lobbyist), Melissa Dobbs (Pro Love), Jason Winslade (Voice for Life).
(Tickets include lunch, and morning/afternoon tea)