You're invited to Voice for Life's Call for Justice vigil on Wednesday the 16th of March 6-7:30pm at Parliament Grounds in Wellington.
Please Note: We will keep you updated on how these plans will be implemented in relation to the Covid-19 Protection Framework’s restrictions on gathering outdoors closer to the date.
The 18th of March 2022 will mark the two year anniversary of the Abortion Legislation Act 2020 being passed in Parliament by a majority vote, 68 - 51. This is one of the most extreme abortion laws in the world as it permits lawful late term abortions to be performed by a medical practitioner up until and even during birth, as long as the medical practitioner reasonably believes that the abortion is "clinically appropriate" in the circumstances.
We will peacefully gather together in recognition of this unjust law, and the injustice of thousands of lives lost because of it. There will be prayer, speeches, songs, and a moving display presented on Parliament’s lawn.
More information to come. But in the meantime, be sure to save the date: Wednesday 6pm the 16th of March 2022.