Learn how to be a voice for life in day-to-day interactions as a medical or legal professional.
Hear from legal, medical and ethical experts including policy and culture experts, Alex Penk and Brendan Malone, legal experts, Ian Bassett and Owen Posthuma, medical experts, Dr Martin Ng and Dr Joseph Hassan, and social support experts, Mike Porteous and Marina Young.
Learn about the limits of the current abortion and euthanasia laws. Learn what you can do and say to maintain your pro-life values while having compassionate conversations in the workplace.
Whether you’re a passionate pro-lifer, or someone who is new to conversations around abortion, euthanasia and ethics – learn and network at the Real-Life Law & Ethics Training Day! Morning tea and lunch provided.
Incredible Sessions include:
Brendon Malone: Why are we prolife?
Ian Bassett, Lawyer: A legal overview of the Abortion law & requirements
Owen Posthuma, Lawyer: A legal overview of the Euthanasia law & requirements
Alex Penk, Ethos Alliance: How to maintain your prolife values & not lose your job
Dr Martin Ng: Abortion Pill Reversal
Dr Joseph Hassan: His work and vision in his GP Practice
Mike Porteous, Hub of Hope: Creating meaningful connections to avoid euthanasia (an organisation that you can refer patients to)
Marina Young: What to say to a woman facing an unplanned pregnancy & considering abortion?
Marina Young: Post-abortive counselling
TBC: Contraception – is it prolife? What are the alternatives?
TBC: How abortion affects fathers and the myvoice.nz campaign
Q&A Panel: Ask questions from our experts.
Prolife Panel: Hear from organisations around Auckland and build connections to refer to!
So what are you waiting for? Register for this FREE event below!
For catering purposes, please be sure to register.