Why Do Women Have Abortions?

If you are anything like me then you have heard the old

“But we have to be able to have abortions, I mean what if a woman was raped or something? Would you really expect a her to raise that child and relive that every day of her life?!”

Now first of all, this argument is pretty weak, but I will discuss this at a later date! For now I wish to point out that the statistics indicate that the VAST majority of abortions are not related to health reasons, rape or incest. Not at all.This article was taken from here.1. Very few abortions are due to health reasons, rape, incest, or abnormalities:Many people think that women obtain most abortions to save their lives or physical health, for rape and incest, or to avoid birth defects. This is a fallacy that pro-abortion groups continue to cultivate because it helps them spread abortion in nations with pro-life laws and helps them retain abortion-on-demand once they have achieved it. The counterargument to this line of reasoning is quite simple, and utilizes pro-abortionists’ own research: surveys in which women were asked why they think they must have an abortion.Graph1_WhyWomenHaveAbortionsa. Survey of 1,900 aborting women in 38 states. Aida Torres and Jacqueline Darroch Forrest. “Why Do Women Have Abortions?” Family Planning Perspectives [Alan Guttmacher Institute], July/August 1988, pages 169 to 176, Table 1.b. Survey of 1,209 women in eleven large abortion clinics. Lawrence B. Finer, et. al. “Reasons U.S. Women Have Abortions: Quantitative and Qualitative Perspectives.” Perspectives in Sexual and Reproductive Health [Alan Guttmacher Institute], September 2005, pages 110 to 118, Table 3.  2. The leading pro-abortion research group puts the proportion at less than 10%:The Alan Guttmacher Institute is the research arm of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA), the largest chain of abortion clinics in the United States. Guttmacher has performed several surveys that have asked thousands of women why they are obtaining abortions. The results of the institute’s 1987 and 2004 surveys are shown below. These surveys show that, according to the women themselves, the “hard cases” account for only 7% of all abortions.3. Abortion clinic statistics give even lower numbers:A survey of more than 120,000 aborting women performed by the states of Louisiana, Nebraska and Utah during the years 1996 to 2004 gives us what may be a more accurate estimate of the number of “hard case” abortions, because these are the numbers that abortion clinics must officially report in these states.Tabe1_AbortionStats4. The proportion is also very low internationally:Women all over the world give largely the same reasons for aborting. In 1998, the Guttmacher Institute published the results of studies showing that lifestyle reasons also predominate among aborting women in other nations. Its summary of surveys performed in 26 countries outside the United States showed that primary reasons for aborting given by the 62,658 women interviewed. Since rape and incest are included under “other reasons,” a maximum of 5.8% of all abortions performed inother countries are done for the hard cases, and a minimum of 94.2% are performed to preserve the mother’s lifestyle or to please those close to her.

Graph2_WhyWomenHaveAbortionsAkinrinola Bankole, Susheela Singh and Tayl Haas. “Reasons Why Women Have Induced Abortions: Evidence from 27 Countries.” International Family Planning Perspectives, August 1998. Table 2, “Percentage Distribution of Women Who Had an Abortion, by Main Reason Given for Seeking Abortion, Various Countries and Years.”

5. Other statistics also show that almost no abortions are chosen for health reasons:As a final confirmation of the rarity of the hard cases, calculations based on statistics provided by medical journals and government surveys in the United States show these cases are, in fact, much rarer than most people believe: There are about 5,200 abortions performed every year to save the life or health of the mother, or about 0.36% (1 out of 278) of all abortions; there are about 1,300 abortions performed every year for rape and incest, or about 0.09% (1 out of 1,111) of all abortions; there are about 3,470 abortions performed every year for fetal birth defects (eugenics), or about 0.24% (1 out of 417) of all abortions; there are about 9,970 abortions performed every year for all of the hard cases combined, or about 0.69% (1 out of every 145) of all abortions. This means that 99.31% of all abortions are performed for social or economic reasons.Read original article here by Pro-life New Zealand.