13,155 Babies Died by Abortion in 2015

On Friday Statistics NZ released the abortion statistics for the year 2015. Over this coming week we will be putting up blog articles breaking down the key points that come out from looking at these statistics.

13,155 babies lost their lives to abortion in 2015. This is 18 more than in 2014.

The abortion rate itself (the number of abortions per 1,000 women aged 15-44 years) has decreased in 2015  as did the abortion rate for women aged 15-19 years and 20-24 years, the age group which has the highest rates of abortion.

This means that the size and/or age structure of the New Zealand population drove the small increase in the number of abortions, rather than a greater proportion of women having abortions.We mourn the 13,155 human beings in New Zealand who were denied their right to life and a future and we renew once again, our commitment to do all we can to stand up for their rights, and to be their voice. A Voice for Life.

We remind ourselves at this time that we cannot allow these to be simply statistics. We cannot become desensitised to the deaths of these little ones. We have to allow ourselves to feel once again the full brunt of the reality here: that these children were deprived of their lives in a system of legalised killing which has been in place in New Zealand for 42 years.

The preamble to the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of the Child states, "The child, by reason of his physical and mental immaturity, needs special safeguards and care, including appropriate legal protection, before as well as after birth,"

Without the right to life, all other rights are meaningless. We will continue to fight for the rights of every child.

500,000 Babies Milestone

VFL CL full page-page-0012016 marks the milestone of 500,000 abortions performed since the first clinic opened in 1974. The oldest of those 500,000 children would now be aged 42.

Our recent nationwide advertising campaign is in some ways our epitaph for the 500,000 unknown and unvalued little human persons who were denied their right to a future.They didn’t have to die. There were and are thousands of couples around New Zealand who because of fertility issues are unable to have children. They would love to adopt those babies through Open Adoption.Each abortion is a terrible tragedy and so we work towards a better more humane solution that doesn’t involve violence and killing.