Labour launches a new 0800 backstreet abortion service which encourages prayers before and after abortion

Despite mounting pressure to deal with rising crime, a spiralling cost of living problem, and a health system in major crisis, earlier this week, Jacinda Ardern’s Labour Government prioritised the launch of yet another abortion project - a brand new 0800 dial-an-abortion number and website which promotes the religious ritualisation of abortion.

The rather menacingly titled ‘DECIDE’ scheme allows New Zealand woman and girls to the ring an 0800 number and have abortion drugs couriered to them so that they can carry out an at-home DIY abortion up to 10 weeks.

You may initially be consulting with a professional working for an organisation funded by the state, but these DIY abortions will be taking place without medical supervision, by untrained people, in unlicensed private homes.

How is this anything other than state-sponsored back street abortion?

Will perpetrators of abortion coercion now have a convenient mechanism which will allow them to literally stand over their pregnant female victims as they force them to order up the DIY abortion drugs over the phone?

What happens when a vulnerable minor rings DECIDE asking for abortion drugs to carry out a secret abortion with no one else around?

What about victims of sexual abuse who are coerced into using this service by those who have abused them, and who are seeking to hide the evidence of their repugnant acts of victimisation?

What happens when the users of this backstreet abortion service find themselves in danger after carrying out a DIY abortion at home only to experience a complication from their abortion?

Who knows - the Labour Government certainly doesn’t.

What makes this all the more serious and obscene is the fact that early medical abortions have long been known to carry greater risk of complications.

The just-published Abortion Services Aoteraroa New Zealand Annual Report once again confirms this fact, with the data from 2021 clearly showing that early medical abortions carry far greater risks for complications that surgical ones do.

That report details that the most common complication is ‘retained placenta/products’.

For those who are wondering, ‘products’ is the euphemism used by the abortion industry to refer to the bodily remains of the aborted unborn child.

In 2021 there were 79 ‘Retained placenta/products’ complications, and 44 (56%) of these were caused by early medical abortions like the kind that the DECIDE dial-an-abortion operation will be encouraging and facilitating all over New Zealand.

To put this into perspective, last year 5,811 early medical abortions resulted in 44 women suffering the ‘Retained placenta/products’ complication, while 7,133 surgical abortions resulted in just 6 women suffering the same ‘Retained placenta/products’ complication.

In other words, you are more than seven times more likely to experience a ‘Retained placenta/products’ complication if you have an early medical abortion.

Needless to say, the truth hasn’t stopped the New Zealand media from publishing articles celebrating this new dial-a-DIY-home-abortion scheme with headlines like “Telehealth service will expand access to safe abortions, advocates say”.

So why would the New Zealand Government be exposing women to this added risk?

We can’t help but wonder if this is just their way of trying to free up much needed healthcare resources while spending the least amount of money possible to abort thousands of unborn children each year in New Zealand.

Regardless of their motivation, the simple fact is that these early medical do-it-yourself abortions being facilitated by the state is yet more evidence that, despite the rhetoric, women’s wellbeing isn’t the primary goal of the pro abortion-choice ideology.

And just when you thought this couldn’t get any more reprehensible, the DECIDE website also features a section titled ‘Respect for tikanga Māori’ which promotes: “The use of karakia [prayer] before beginning the abortion process and after the pregnancy has passed”.

So, Maori culture is now being appropriated by Jacinda Ardern’s Labour Government to create a type of pagan religious ritual out of the act of abortion.

I guess this means that the adherents of pro abortion-choice ideology are actually okay with religion after all, just as long as its the kind of religion which ritualises the deliberate killing of an unborn human being.

Kate Cormack