Voice For Life
To Value and Protect Human Life
We have been advocating tirelessly for the voiceless and vulnerable for over 50 years. Our commitment to building the culture of life has taken different forms since we began our advocacy in March 1970.
Being a voice for the voiceless even when you speak alone
Ending a life that is just beginning
Since the 1970’s abortion activists have been chanting “My body, my choice!” But what this often repeated mantra completely fails to acknowledge that there are at least two human beings, two bodies involved in every single pregnancy. If human life truly matters, then surely ALL human lives must be respected and not just the born ones?
The Facts and The Fallacies
Euthanasia is often presented as empowerment and choice, and a compassionate answer to suffering. But the true reality is much different and darker. What starts as a choice to die for some can quickly become a duty to die for many other vulnerable members of the community.
Engaging the difficult conversations with charity, conviction and depth
#DefendNZ presents stories of New Zealanders who would be put at risk of premature death by lethal drugs if the End of Life Choice Act became law.
Vote for the Vulnerable was your chance to tell MPs and election candidates that the extreme Abortion Legislation Act was passed without your support, and that it had informed your vote at the 2020 election.
Listen to the concerns of Kiwi women who want more than the tired old slogans about abortion. Women who want a more caring and compassionate answers to the challenges of an unplanned or difficult pregnancy.
Our very first event of its kind!
During the school and university holidays.
Anyone aged 16 to 25 can attend (age exceptions considered!)
All the details can be found here.
For more than 14 years, the ACTIV8 Pro-Life Training week has been equipping Kiwis to become a more effective and compassionate voice on abortion, euthanasia and other pro-life issues.
Our latest press releases and articles
A Health New Zealand website dedicated to raising awareness about the harmful effects that drinking alcohol can have during pregnancy - exposes the serious moral inconsistency of New Zealand’s extreme abortion law.
Later this year the End of Life Choice Act will be reviewed by the NZ Government. Why is this happening? What will the review process look like? Who can make submissions?
The events surrounding the tragic death of Harjit Kaur during an abortion in Melbourne in January have baffled the NZ medical professional we spoke to, and raised some glaring media inconsistencies.
Whatever happens next, one thing is for certain, authoritarian laws won’t stop the caring voice of the pro-life movement from continuing to speak out against, and work for more human solutions than the violence of abortion.
The message from Seymour couldn’t be any clearer - the Act party is the pro-abortion party where pro-life free speech is not tolerated and must be punished with nothing less than removal from office.
Click on a branch nearest you to find out more
Become an official member of the Voice for Life team
Becoming an official member of Voice for Life is quick and easy and it connects you with a team of awesome pro-life people and events all over New Zealand.
Get active with Voice for Life in your local community
Voice for Life has teams all around the country that are waiting for people like you to join them in their advocacy for the culture of life.
Become a financial supporter of our important work
Without your generous support our pro-life work simply isn’t possible. A one-off donation or regular AP makes all the difference in the world to our life-saving efforts.
Join our team of passionate pro-life volunteers!
Our vision for the next 50 years is to cultivate the culture of life in New Zealand, and we need all the volunteer support we can get to help achieve that vision.
The future of the pro-life movement
Voice For Life Youth is a movement of young pro-lifers from all over Aotearoa New Zealand who are passionate about defending the rights of the unborn and their vulnerable mothers.
Clothing and merch
Our online shop offers Voice For Life merch, and in time, pro-life resources, books and more, that will equip you to become an effective voice for the culture of life.